It was not quite hot, and a little cloudy. I took a turkey sandwich from the company provided lunch. I walked through the parking lot and over to some land that the company across the access road owns. I took some pictures of a culvert, and some orange and blue building materials. There was a white flower the side of a hill overlooking a wetlands and a parking lot. I took some pictures of it, but they came out washed because the flower was white. I took a picture of an even smaller flower, maybe half and inch in diameter, and I got the bonus bug in the frame you can see there. I tried cropping it, but it didn't look right, so I ended up posting it just the way it showed up on my camera.
Bit. I'm rereading Colossians Remixed for the first time since the first time. I find myself taking more of it as a matter of course, rather than bold and personally challenging statements. Same as the second time I read Velvet Elvis, only it's a more radical book than that. In chapter 2, they have a section where they do a targum (a translation/interpretation/recontextualization) of the introduction to the book of Colossians. It is all wongerfully written and piercing. One of the bits that stuck out to me the most this time through is this:
"But here's the rub. Everything in this monolithic culture of McWorld globalization is allied against you and will try to keep your imagination captive, stripping you of the courage to dream of alternative ways to live. When a culture is threatened, it becomes especially repressive of those who dare to live differently, subject to another vision of life, especially repressive of those who dare to live differently, subject to another vision of life, another Lord. So may you be strengthened with all strength and empowered with the weighty power of God in this disempowered culture of unbearable lightness. May your vision, your stubborn refusal to allw your imaginations ot be taken captive, have the tenacity to hand in there for the long haul and a patience that doesn't need to aggressively realize the kingdom of God now, because your faith will work and wait for a miracle, for the coming of God's shalom to our terribly broken world."
Since I've read this book, I've felt allied against and have not been stubbornlly-enough refusing to keep my imagination from being taken captive. I feel that tide changing back. At least, I hope that's what I'm feeling.
Tid II.
I saw a monster at lunch.
Bit II.
I have a very easy job . . .
so sometimes it's hard to be motivated, knowing what's coming.
Some days, when I go to the supermarket, I find all the lazyleft shopping carts and put them in the corral. Some days when I meet someone, I remember their name forever. Some days I never want to own another thing. Today, on my walk, I saw some trash, but it didn't cross my mind to pick it up.
Never having read either of those books, it sounds to me as if your imagination is, in part, being taken captive if you opt to wholly buy into what the books say. Well, that is, unless it addresses what society, culture and convention claim as being just another totally viable alternative way to live. Ignoring what's there is just as foolhardy as ignoring what perhaps should be there. Just a thought. Also, I'm quite pleased with the flower picture not being cropped. And when you say you saw a monster, were you referring to the corner-walk that looks like a face, or was that in reference to the can along the curb that clearly names itself "MONSTER"?
I refer to the monster with the big open mouth and the little white beady eyes.
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