Thursday, May 1, 2008

My once per year snarky comments about local media. A few years ago, I called 980 KMBZ about Mr. Remodeler Dean Blay.

The following email was sent to at 9:14 P.M.

Subject: Breaking news! LOST, quality television production pre-empted AGAIN

Seriously? This folderol again? ABC newscasters heart their own faces, year II. Look, I realize we can watch LOST online tomorrow. But if this is the case, we can also check our weather online, and don't need continual blanket coverage of a storm. I hate to break it to you, but there are other media from which I can get news. Media that aren't preempting quality programming. This evening, Channel 41 gave their weather report in commercial breaks. Channel 4 is running a bold scroll along the top of the screen. Ia lso realize Brian Busby only gets so many chances to get his face on TV, and needs this sort of seasonal career boost. Oh, wait, he's on every bloody night; I forgot.

I understand this sort of letter will have no impact on your programming decisions. Ergo, I see no reason to continue watching your station when your delight in the the availability of later internet viewing is so apparent.

The letter was unsigned.


Adam said...

Actually, I'm disappointed in that. Never should a TV show be that important. Ever.

Timothy said...

Me too, yeah. Almost didn't send it. Bothered me plenty on the way home.

Anonymous said...

ggkgggc xj ooooooo j nv8o €lllll l]llmbmbb njum vvvvvvvvvvvv

that was lucy, and she says "don't take everything so seriuosly."

Unknown said...

Aren't broadcast media still required by law to present warnings like that? What of the people who (still) haven't joined the Information Age?

Still sucks, though.

Jeremy D. Ford said...

Hm...I'm not disappointed in this email in the slightest. It needed to be said, perhaps by more people. And as for those few who are only capable of receiving one channel on their television sets, what would solve all the problems for them (and for everyone else) would be to set LOST in widescreen--as you'd mentioned, like it's supposed to be--and run the news report in a scrolling marquis underneath, where it's not even interrupting the show. That way, the "all-important, necessary-to-life but seemingly more necessary-to-meteorologists'-egos" inherent, needed message could be easily displayed without even disrupting the viewing quality of the more than half of those watching who just want to see the show. That's my vote. Too bad media isn't democratic.

Anonymous said...
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