Thursday, January 31, 2008

Yeah. I'm dumb.

Right. There's a typo in the puzzle. Or two. That's what I get for not triple-checking.
So here it is AGAIN. All of it. To make it up to you, and so you have more to play with, I've added a couple lines of me being nice.

It's important to note that spaces are included. Capitals, no. Capitol, yes.
HINT: There are 26 letters in the alphabet. This is an interesting number, dimensionally.
NEW HINT: The specific symbols can be relevant.
NEWEST HINT: N is adjacent to all.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

You know, I just read a fascinating wikipedia article relating to your previous post.

In a new-found effort to combat the spread of AIDS in Africa, a three-day conference was held in Lusaka, Zambia last week. Obviously, this marked the end of this terrible disease.

Shame they couldn't have made the conference last four days- they might have fixed all the other problems in Africa!

Still, I guess it's a start...

Now if only we could settle our issues with the AMAZON rainforest, and it's clear-cutting to make shipping boxes...

Good Times.