Thursday, January 31, 2008

A monster story, rounding out a week of posts designed to draw those with short attention spans who keep saying they'd read my blog but it's too long.

Once upon a time, it was Thursday. And on Thursdays, the Timothy monster had to go to work. Which, boys and girls, is like a job, if ya believe it.

And at his work, the Timothy monster talked to very many people. But not so many as some days. So things were goin' pretty good.

But there was a problem at work. A problem that didn't have to do with work at all! It was a puzzler. In fact, it was related to the puzzle that he had posted in his Timothy monster blog earlier in the week. That puzzle was broken. Just a little bit. But ienough that it could be a frustration. And the Timothy monster hated that kind of frustration. So he fixed it. But that took a lot of time.

Then, after he fixed it, he got some long calls that took all of his attention. Although he tried very hard, he didn't finish his intended Timothy monster blog post for the day. He'd done lots of work, but it just wasn't done!

Which isn't so bad, except he'd promised that he would do a blog post every single day. Now, he was a ways in, and he could post it unfinished, but what fun would that be? None at all, boys and girls. So he decided to be extra, super fancy, and release a 2-part blog all in one day. And that day was Friday. Which, if you ask me, may be the best off all the days.


Anonymous said...

the best of all days sounds wonderful.

Brett said...

I have a long attention span and I miss the long posts