Monday, February 4, 2008

In a strange reversal of middle-school literary precident, your adventure chooses you. Pikachu.

Even on Mondays when my dad's out of town, and I get my whole lunch at my desk, it's hard to get good writing done here at work. It's easily our busiest day of the week. And most of my calls were very attention-intensive. So, I'll keep what I have written for today's post for another day (just like I'm keeping the remnants of last Thursday's post, doncha know) and come back to it later. I've got all kinds of great ideas for things to write about from this weekend, it's just been a busy day.

So what I want to do before I head home is to jump off of what Adam was saying in the comments of the Friday post. At first, I skimmed what he read, because I am always nervous putting out a post where I didn't have as much time as I would like to revise. I feel defensive when I read any comments on those days. But that isn't the exercise, is it? One post, every day.

Anyway, I came back today and re-read his comment, and I think he's got some good ideas:
If we're supposed to be living an adventurous life, what kind of adventure is it? What kind of adventure do you want it to be? I think different people have different adventures that they want to live out. I also think that we talk ourselves out of doing something adventurous. There's a dirty side to adventuring; it gets messy and doesn't look very pretty, and we let ourselves pass things up because it didn't quite look like the thing we had in mind. Maybe if we talked more about the adventures we want to live, we could talk each other into actually doing them instead of individually talking ourselves out it.
So, I'll ask you, here on the cold internets, before I ask many of you in person, what adventures do you think your life could have in store for you? Ones that you keep wanting to talk yourself out of?

I have a few.

I want to be a writer, but I keep telling myself I'm not good enough, and keep putting off the doing of writing in order to either spend time with people or dink around 'relaxing' or getting entertained. Ask me why I don't like to watch movies, and I'll tell you it's not relational enough Part of what I don't say is that I've got stories of my own to tell, and seeing other people's makes me sad that I haven't told enough of mine yet.

I want to live in a bad part of town so I can identify with people who live there, but that usually means getting a house that requires a lot of fix-up, and I'm not very handy. Remember how I cut corners in Scrabble to play above my ability? And how Halo 2 made me actually work? I don't do so well in situations where I have to just get it right, where thinking outside the box isn't helpful. Like drywalling s room for example. Or carving. I'm way to impatient to ever carve anything. I cut too deep to get done quicker.

And also, I want Jill to feel safe. It's easy enough to say that I can trust God and let bad things happen to me if need be. But what does it mean to be in authority (and by authority, I mean only: having the responsibility of covering protection) over someone who I can't always be there for to step in the way of bad things that might happen and take them on myself?

I want to live simply, but I don't know what else to cull from my life, and especially what to keep that assists in hospitality. Anymore, I mostly keep the X Box, and Nintendo and N64, in order to play with people who come to my house.

I also want to live in physical community, but I value our privacy and our emotional space to make that sacrifice right now. We got so close to dropping into that half-pipe, and at the last second, we didn't. Now I feel like street courses are good enough for me. No need to go back and brave the dangers of vert. As it were.

I want to work hard, but my job trains me to put things off and be easily distracted have you seen how good Married to the Sea has been lately? Which I do well enough already without that help.

I think there are many more, but I am afraid that if I draw them my mind clearly enough to be able to write them down, they will blow away into dust. This is partially, as I've briefly mentioned before, and said I'd come back to, and haven't yet, but will now, that I think my Blyian/Eldridgian 'father wound' is that I always feel like I'm failing at everything I'm part of. That my hand in a process guarantees doom. Not that I can point to a specific time in which I was wounded, or a particular person who wounded me. For example, I can recall no time, my father, although imperfect as all fathers are, emotionally wounded me in any deep or lasting way.
In fact, I think I may have caused this 'wound' myself in some way. But that, again, could be part of the same thing. Ahhh, psychology, is there nothing you can't twist?

But I'll try to come up with more adventures I think my life is made for, and try to share them with you. But enough about me. I talk enough as it is. How about you? Any adventures calling you from the deep?


Brett said...

I think that I am created for deeper relationship than I currently experience/engage in. The adventures I imagine tend to be centered around the ability to pursue those relationships more easily. I dream about 2 month long road trips or backpacking. I really like to dream about putting in my unavoidable 40 hours of work among friends. I do not seem to be satisfied with the normal corporate business world's adventures. I want something that seems more connected with the core of life as I have experienced. Nature centered adventures, yes, people centered adventrues, yes, Jesus centered adventures, yes, money making adventures, not so much. My question is how do we pursue such things without making ourselves a financial burden on others. How do I pursue those adventures and not abandon virtues like patience and perserverance?

jill johnson said...

i want life not normal. the thought of traditional american life with family, house and jobs that you're stuck in b/c you have a family and house makes me queasy. permanency makes me queasy. trying to figure out a way to avoid all that makes my head hurt. i want adventure and i think we've had the opportunity staring us in the face several times. i mostly see adventure as elsewhere, getting to live a life in places that so many people here won't get to do, even if it is normal for so many other people. i tend to see it in an other country sort of setting. something that will immerse me in a new people with life traditions that i don't understand but will get to learn. with a history that wasn't taught in my history classes. with a culture that confuses me until i know the story behind it. with another language influenced by that history and way of life. these have been the one constant in my dreams through all those years of high school doing theatre and music and some french, college doing french and german, and stupid college doing theatre. and it almost happened several times. we almost went to the philippines to teach at the missionary school. i dreamed about filipinos and their 'holy nosiness' and how to handle spicy food, and how to take care of teenage girls and how to serve in the slums and how to learn togolag. we thought about moving to belarus after the summer we spent there. i was looking at washers and dryers, imagining getting to pursue the relationships with the kids i met, learning to make/buy good belarussian food, learning to speak and read russian. we were asked to go teach missionary kids in prague, ukraine. i dreamed about getting out of stupid school with the stupid problems i created there. dreamed of maybe pursuing art in the art capitol of europe, and i looked into english/czech translators. (i always start with the language). so why am i here stuck in go-nowhere drive-me-nuts job, still not fluent in french or anything else, with a dumb expensive degree and the thought of adding kids to the scenario of trying to go on adventures giving me a nervous tick? there's so much that i love about being here, with our new family and jacob's well and learning to live differently. but there's also the yearning to go...just go. there's things i want to learn that i'm having a hard time learning here. i want it to be an immersed education. elsewhere.