Friday, February 22, 2008

A message


Timothy said...

Yeah, yeah. I'll get back to regular full blogs next week, I hope.

Oh, and you have until next Friday to solve that puzzle, or I'm canceling the contest.

jill johnson said...

"Take this magic cookie or the meteor will smash the sheep you are picnicking on and you will only be left with thumbs you puny loser."

Anonymous said...


Jeremy D. Ford said...

Timothy wishes you would (congratulate/celebrate/like?) weekends.

Well, I do like weekends. Enough despair (per image two).

Jeremy D. Ford said...

Honestly, the "thumbs up" image lacks clarity as to what it should represent. But, my actual answer to the puzzle is this: "Did you read my email yet?"

Jeremy D. Ford said...

Juliet has helped me finish solving it: "Timothy wishes you a good weekend."

Good job Juliet.