Thursday, February 7, 2008

Part II of my top Ten List of RoTTIHEiaWBRHEA

Part II of My Top Ten List of Reviews of Things That I Haven't Experienced in a While, But Recently Have Experienced Again.

Right. I originally made my list of top ten things that I haven't experience in a while, but recently have experience again a week ago, Thursday. The problem is, I no longer care enough about the remaining eight original items that were on the list to write a full review of any of them.

Ok, that's not entirely true. One of them was Lost, which, last Thursday, had not yet been aired. I had assumed that I could complete part I on Thursday and then have a clever Friday post with Lost appearing in part II. But, alas, such was not the case. So, I haven't even experienced Lost yet. So a review is impractical.

Here, then, are the remaining six items from my list, in no particular order: lower back pain, Arkham Horror, the first chapter of my novel, writing, snowfall in Kansas City, and an evening of doing nothing at all.

All of which I was stoked about writing about last week, but this week, I've lost my passion to really delve into each one. Let this be a lesson to me to finish things when I start them.

In related news, tonight is the second episode of the season of Lost, and my lack of having seen the first episode not withstanding, I would not be watching it anyway. Adam has rescheduled Conversations for Thursdays. And should I decide to participate in anything of a Thursday persuasion, I think it will be that. Conversations is where some of us get together and pray, and eat sandwiches and take communion. It's very laid back, which is my style doncha know, and the food is good, and the conversations splendid.

Not to disparage the Lost-watchers, nossir. Lost is soooo good. I just like Conversations, and a while ago I told Adam I'd be there on occasions when I wasn't anything at all of an evening.
On evenings like that, while you might think I'm working on my novel, or playing Arkham Horror, I just hang out with Jill.

Thing is, on nights where I don't get to spend the evening at home alone with Jill doing nothing in particular, we usually end up staying up late and hanging out, reading a book or watching Russell Brand on YouTube (In BED! Hurrah for laptop presents.), for example. Last night was no exception. Jill got home from watching Napoleon Dynamite at the Freak Show at about 10. And we stayed up for at least an hour or so watching two full episodes of the aforementioned Mr. Brand's show on pondering things. And then we woke up early this morning to pick up Adam and carpool out to Olathe. And I'm tired. As much as I've been since I quit caffeine. At least, I'm less groggy than I was before. Hurrah for no withdrawal anymore.

I'm going to try to get in a nap before Conversations tonight. At least it hasn't snowed again, or we'd take forever to get home in time for the nap, and then I'd be grumpy for talking to God. Which is not the best plan.

Lower back pain. There. I fit them all in, still. Boo-yah.


Anonymous said...

hehe. russell brand is funny.

gbd mjm ;kuiuhu786
(I'm typing with lucy on my lap, and she just said "let me see what you're typing. now, wait your turn", and proceeded to remove my hands from the keyboard and try to type herself)

jill johnson said...