Because I've been posting so late for the last few weeks, as soon as I had posted this blog, I felt like getting up and leaving work. Alas, I have six hours left here.
hmmmm....yeah, that really doesn't list any of the situations in which maybe talking to much would promote some sin. so, talking too much at any time in any situation might evoke sin? maybe at least the sin of pride if one is going on and on even if clearly relating good and helpful topics? should speaking simply be added to the manifestations of living simply? have i typed too much?
Because I've been posting so late for the last few weeks, as soon as I had posted this blog, I felt like getting up and leaving work. Alas, I have six hours left here.
MmmHmmm...(with rythmic clapping and maybe one person singing "Oh my Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord")
hmmmm....yeah, that really doesn't list any of the situations in which maybe talking to much would promote some sin. so, talking too much at any time in any situation might evoke sin? maybe at least the sin of pride if one is going on and on even if clearly relating good and helpful topics? should speaking simply be added to the manifestations of living simply? have i typed too much?
oh, HA! clever.
I'm finding it difficult to discuss 'at length'.
To amplify on that comment as it relates to The Jill's queries/comments/etc. and in consideration it's 'companion' verse, James 1:19.
It 'tis not the volume of words themselves that are sin, but that they plow the field as it were.
By that I mean, because of the nature of our heart* the more the volume in number of our words, the greater is our likely hood for sin in what we say.
To paraphrase, "When one talks too much, the chances of getting away without sinning are slim at best."
So . . . the answer is "true". :0)
*(John 3:19, Romans 3:9 - 18 and Jeremiah 17:9)
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