Thursday, February 14, 2008

A ticket, a tacket, some notes.

Took communion with Dave and Terry and the Jill last night at Borders before playing Killer Bunnies. Dave said it was the most laid back communion he'd ever had. And I thought i was being kind of formal about it.

Next time, when given the choice to look at the labels of the pita bread I am buying for my portable communion kit, I shall look, and thus not buy the whole wheat pitas. Bleached flour, you are my best friend; I don't care how bad an influence you are. So delish.

On the way home, Jill realized that I have no free time and mentioned it. It's true. The evening in which I am not engaged in some sort of activity is rare. Even more so having one alone, almost non-existent. But I'm cool with that. As long as I have a job that I can lollygag about on the internet all day, and write this blog, and IM Steve about politics and faith, I'm coo.

The guy who is supposed to get a forum up for Nation States still hasn't done it yet. Even though he had it ready, like, a month ago. Sorry, New Flamretarnesians. Oh, but when it's done, there shall be Qanian justice, oh my brothers.

Is 'Pinot Evil' brand wine a good choice for portable communion? There's some debate. I say, "Ohyes."

Got our van somefixed yesterday. The steering wheel no longer shakes, and it turns like a steering wheel rather than a steamboat wheel, and the brakes are much tighter. But 'twas nae cheap, my droogs.

Still haven't gotten to the first episode of Lost yet. I'm hoping to catch it today at lunch. We shall see. Depends on how many notes I have.

Jeff, the guy who sits behind me here at work bought a nice laptop at Best Buy a week ago. Two days later, he saw it for $1700 bucks at Costco. His price? $476.

There's a picture of New York. There's a picture of New York. There's a big fat crazy picture of New York.

Yesterday, I broke a very odd streak of over a week in which I really wanted to listen to music as I worked, or wrote, but no songs sounded good. No matter what I turned on, I switched it off right away. Even's vocal trance, which is always good work music. Counting Crows got me over the hump yesterday with some hard candy, and Pandora ran all morning.

I'm reading Jonathon Strange and Mr. Norrell for the first time . And while I enjoy the language and the clever, the story really hasn't pulled me in yet. I'm still waiting. And plodding.

Run DMC's Rev Run is on tour with Kid Rock according to Rolling Stone. He said he put his collar aside to go. I wonder what he means. Like, putting away the physical trappings of his faith, or putting aside his faith? Every Christian's a minister, says I.

The phrase "on fire for God" is one of my least favorite phrases of all time.

How in the world does laundry stack up so fast? I wear the same pair of jeans for three days running, but it seems like every week, I'm completely pantsless of a morning. Some sort of vast denim conspiracy, I'd bet.

There's some notes. Merry Thursday, all.


Anonymous said...

i absolutely hate "it's a God thing".

Juliet said...

This is my favorite post by far. so far. i think. yeah.

I agree with amanda. that saying makes me want to vomit.

SenorOcho said...

"it's a God thing"? I've never seen that except as a gross misspelling of "it's a good thing"...

Anonymous said...

people say it, it's true. usually when something good happened--like they only can believe in God when they are happy.

papathebald said...

Agreed in the context of those who most use it (On fire for God) But Jesus did have that little ditty "i wish you were cold or hot, but as your are lukewarm i will spew you out of my mouth" thing.

Maybe a more correct meaning (but none the less cumbersome) would "On fire by God", but that still creates images of self styled prophets, so I acquiesce in agreement to your, and yet hope for not being lukewarm.